Saturday, October 13, 2007

Travis Smithdeal: "Conservative values ... common sense solutions"

Travis Smithdeal ... Candidate for Board of Supervisors ... Pastures District
West Augusta, Virginia ... home of mountains, farms, good people, and Mountain View Country Store owned by Travis Smithdeal. This small community in the western part of Augusta County is home to Travis, 42, his wife Eileen, and their eight children ... six boys and two girls.

Mountain View Country Store at intersection of Rt. 250 and Deerfield Road.
Rt. 250 through the national forest going west toward Highland County.
Mountain View Country Store is located on Rt. 250 before climbing Shenandoah Mountain into West Virginia. It is a general store where you can buy lunch, gas up your vehicle, buy fishing supplies ... hunters can check in the prize deer they got ... you can buy local homemade products to take home as a reminder of the Valley and mountains. View across street from Mountain View Country Store ... truly God's country.

Travis Smithdeal is a military veteran who was born and raised in Virginia and chose Augusta County to settle with his family. A pilot of both helicopters and fixed-wing, Travis served in the U.S. Army from 1992-2001 in the 10th Mountain Division as an Air Mission Commander, Air Calvary Squadron Platoon Leader, and Safety Engineer.
Travis graduated from the U.S. Army Safety Engineer School and earned a political science degree at Belmont Abbey College. He has been involved in politics at the grassroots level as a member of the Augusta County Republican Committee and serving as Deerfield Precinct Captain.
Travis is a member of the Veterans of Foreign War Post 3060, and a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Staunton.
Intersection of Rt. 250 and Deerfield Road, location of Mountain View Country Store in West Augusta, Virginia.
Travis Smithdeal ... Republican for Board of Supervisors
"Conservative values ... common sense solutions"

1 comment:

  1. That is God's country!

    And I love Smithdeal's political science degree!
