Sunday, November 25, 2007

GOP Advance next weekend ... calling all Republican bloggers!

I am looking forward to next weekend's Republican Advance in Northern Virginia. At last year's Advance at the Homestead, Attorney General Bob McDonnell addressed a small group of perhaps 12 to 15 conservative bloggers including Shaun Kenney at an impromptu gathering. This year Shaun, as Communications Director of the Republican Party of Virginia, has planned some blogging discussions/panels that will be fun as we meet others from around the state who blog for the conservative cause. If you plan to attend I would love to know so I can look you up. Conservative bloggers .... see you at the Advance!


  1. I'm not sure that I will be able to make it. given some of our other recent financial commitmens. However, I would bne more than happy to meet you all the evening before or for lunch. Please let me know.

  2. Anonymous7:56 PM

    You all have fun there !

  3. Come on over if you get a chance, Ron. They've got us scheduled with events Friday evening and all day Saturday but we will see what we can work out.

  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Please keep those of us that can't attend updated on the events during the advance...we will be checking your blog regularly! Thanks so much!
