Monday, November 19, 2007

Jim Gilmore: "Why I'm running"

"These are challenging times for our country. We are threatened by terrorism, concerned about a difficult war, stuck in traffic, dissatisfied with how our children are educated; and too often our culture seems more interested in the latest doings of tabloid celebrities than the debates that could decide our country’s future."
And thus Jim Gilmore begins the post on his Virginia Patriot blog announcing he is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by John Warner.

He continues by saying:
I’m running for the United State Senate from Virginia because I want to be one of those leaders who call on the spirit that is common in all of us, and use it to restore our country for the benefit of our people and in the eyes of the world.

I’m a veteran, having served our country in Army counter-intelligence; and I’m a former law enforcement official. I can offer Virginians unparalleled experience and a strong and steady hand in the United States Senate.

I was Governor of Virginia when our nation was struck on September 11th, and I helped Virginia deal with the aftermath of the attack on the Pentagon. It was a time of great challenge. It was also a time when Virginia and America came together to work for the common good.

That is the type of leadership we need today to address the vital issues facing the citizens of our Commonwealth, issues like national security, transportation, education and immigration. On all these issues, our leaders have let us down, and we badly need new hands at the wheel. And in the last year, we have unfortunately seen that these failures are not unique to just one political party.

It’s time for a change! We can do better, and we have to.
Go to his post and read the entire thing.

Jim Gilmore For Senate

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:23 PM


    "It's Time for a Change!"

    Where have I heard THAT catch phrase before...???
