Monday, November 26, 2007

Pea soup....

Some thoughts at the end of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend....

Arrived home this evening just at dark from Richmond after one of those hairy drives in the rain and the pea-soup fog on Afton Mountain. Traffic was bumper-to-bumper in both lanes heading west and, as we approached the mountain, it was the speed-up and slow-down driving that often ends up in an accident for someone along the way. I made it safely home....

Had to stop at Ukrop's before leaving Midlothian to pick up some goodies that my family enjoys. Paninis for all tonight....

Rt. 288 from I-64 to Chesterfield County is a wonderful highway. It shaves 15 minutes off the drive to my parents' house in Midlothian....

Had a wonderful time with the 12-year-old nieces. They are different in so many ways and I enjoy the individuality of each....

We three sisters took some "sister time" and went to Brio's Restaurant at Stony Point to eat and talk. Lunch lasted three hours. What is it about being with your siblings, the people who have known you all your life, that is so comfortable and enjoyable? I have always had a special friendship with my sisters and we love to be together whenever we can....

We decorated my parents' house for Christmas, putting up the tree and all the trimmings, so they are ready to go for their Republican Christmas party next week....

Took my Texas sister and her family to Richmond International Airport this afternoon to catch their plane back to Houston. The week passed much too quickly and it was sad to see them leave. She won't be back for Christmas....

Reading the BNN aggregator after arriving home this evening, I noticed all the news I need to catch up on....

Thanks to BNN for the # 1 ranking this week ... don't know what I did to deserve it but am grateful....

And the rain that postponed tonight's Staunton Christmas parade (rescheduled for next Monday, December 3) continues making a foggy, rainy night....

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