Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blame democrats & environmental radicals for high price of gasoline

It's not President Bush's fault that the price of gasoline has risen to over $3.00 a gallon. Hillary Clinton made a fool of herself at a recent presidential debate when she proclaimed embarrassment as a nation that our president had gone "begging" to the Saudis to increase oil production.

"It's pathetic," she said.

What is pathetic is the fact the environmental terrorists in this country have a stranglehold on the democrat party who have made laws assuring there would be no drilling for oil when we have ample reserves.

Michael Reagan, in his latest column, points this out:
Make no mistake about it, you are paying exorbitant prices at the gas pump solely because the environmental terrorists and their Democrat allies in Congress have all but shut down our domestic oil production while refusing to allow the exploration and creation of new sources of this resource so vital to our economic health.
Drill in ANWR? The dems say no. Drill off-shore? The dems say no.

Reagan adds:
We can’t exploit nuclear power or drill for oil in ANWR or the Gulf because Democratic members of congress have been bought and paid for by the most dangerous terrorists in America, the radical environmentalists.
I cannot say it any better than that.

Don't like high gasoline prices? Put the blame squarely where it belongs: on the democrats and radical environmental terrorists.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

    Do you really understand what that means?

  2. And high demand in China and India. And Russia stirring the pot with Iran. They need high prices. And speculators in the market. And liberals forcing ethanol into our tanks.

    Bottom line, No liberal will fix this.

    Drill in the USA. Become a PRODUCER of oil. Mexico is drilling at our national limit.

    And don't forget the CAFE limits and the innumerable zones for types of gas.

    Pick the most restrictive. Nationalize that type so that the gasoline companies can get back to economies of scale.

    Frickin liberal idiots. And I don't mean just democrats.

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Environmental terrorists?
    Calm down a bit.
    You seem to think that whatever problem this country has, it is because of the democrats. If that were actually true, why would anybody vote for them? It's quite obvious you are the radical.
