Fox News' debate focus group said it all: Fred Thompson was, by far, the most impressive candidate in tonight's debate. With only three or so supporters out of the group of 28 at the start, the majority of the room afterwards thought Thompson was the winner. Ron Paul was the loser.
Tonight was another great debate hosted by Fox News from Myrtle Beach, S.C. It was entertaining, informative, and cut to the point on many issues as we proceed deeper into this primary season. South Carolina's primary will be held January 19.
The best question of the night came from Carl Cameron who looked at Ron Paul and asked, "Electibility, Sir ... [pause] ... do you have any?" to a rumble of laughter.
The best response to the question of how they would have reacted to the Iranian speedboats rushing U.S. Navy vessels was from Fred Thompson who dryly responded, "One more step and they would have been introduced to those virgins they want to see."
Shaun Hannity and Alan Colmes talked with each candidate afterwards. Alan seemed to be saying Republicans were talking about the past by referencing Ronald Reagan, trying to make a negative issue of it, when in reality, as pointed out by Rudy Giuliana, Republicans are looking to the future by using the wisdom of the past just as the dems respect Kennedy, Roosevelt, and other dem presidents "from the past."
John Maxfield watched the debate with us so the young folks were into this one, too, and the reactions from them was very telling.
The focus group was polled on their responses throughout the debate. Fred Thompson (with his response quoted above about the speedboats) and Mike Huckabee scored the highest with the group. Ron Paul scored the lowest and, in fact, was the first in Fox News' history of focus groups to score that low. It was his response to what he would do when the speedboats approached the American Navy ships; he as much as said people overreacted and were ready to start World War III all because of a couple of little boats that could have been blown out of the water by our ships. In a state where half the households have someone in the military, South Carolinians were not impressed with that statement.
Text message votes were taken afterwards from viewers who could text in their candidate choice. From my household Fred Thompson received three votes from three voters with three different cell phones.
Final poll results:
- Ron Paul - 32%
- Fred Thompson - 22%
- Mike Huckabee - 18%
- Mitt Romney - 13%
- Rudy Giuliani - 5%
John McCain was in there somewhere but not sure where ... maybe fourth? They flashed the final numbers up so fast I didn't get them all.
Go, Fred!
lol your dumb, read a book.
ReplyDeleteIt seems until Ron Paul is out of this running for President, he will keep winning all this inconsequential straw polls, cell votes, and the like. That's all the Paulistas seem to know how to do is to stack polls. Ron Paul didn't even come close to winning that debate and, as Carl Cameron eluded too, he has very little chance of winning the Presidency. The stacked polls and votes continually give the Paulistas a fake hope--one that will not spill over to a Presidential win.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why you think the so-called Paulites are stacking the polls. Maybe, just maybe, he has a real audience. It's a thought.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the men who decide these things will not allow him to actually be in the race so he won't be. In the meantime, Ron Paul is helping people remember that we had this document called the Constitution that has been trompled on. Maybe he can wake up America.
To the Ron Paul supporters, I admire Ron Paul's ardent support for abiding by the constitution.
ReplyDeleteOf course, our government, it's constitution...all of it is heavily influenced by federalism.
Who is the federalist candidate in this race? Oh yeah...Fred Thompson.
Hen Whisperer, I think the perception that the Paul supporters are "stacking the polls" comes from the fact that he consistently polls in the single digits and, yet, somehow comes in first in these straw and debate polls. That would suggest his supporters are stacking the polls to try and give him some momentum.
ReplyDeleteIt is not a bad tactic but, unfortunately for Ron Paul, it has not worked.
Thank you for your thoughts.