Friday, January 04, 2008

Hillary The Movie!

Citizens United announces Hillary The Movie!

The movie you’ve been waiting for is about to explode onto the scene! With more than 40 in-depth interviews with experts, opinion makers, and many of the people who personally locked horns with the Clintons, this is the film you need! If you want to be fully educated about Hillary and Co., stay tuned!

The cast to end all casts includes: Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Jeff Gerth, Buzz Patterson, Michael Barone, Billy Dale, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Tony Blankley, Dick Armey, Bay Buchanan, Joe Connor, Mark Levin, Frank Gaffney, Peter Paul, Gary Aldrich, Dan Burton, John Mica, Michael Medved, Kathleen Willey, Kate O’Beirne, Larry Kudlow and more!

If you want to hear about the Clinton scandals of the past and present, you have it here!

Hillary The Movie is the first and last word in what the Clintons want America to forget!

-- From Citizens United website


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Be careful for what you wish for....I hope we don't defeat her too soon.

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Hillary is yesterday's news. Looks like we wasted our time and effort on her because she is not going to beat Obama for the nomination. Too bad, because she would have been much easier to beat. Get ready for four years of liberal governance. Too bad.
