Tuesday, January 22, 2008

To be a Virginian....

The Virginia Creed

To Be a


either by

Birth, Marriage, Adoption,

or even on one's Mother's side,

is an Introduction

to any State in the Union,

a Passport to any Foreign Country,

and a Benediction from Above.


  1. Thank you for posting this - I was looking for the "creed" and it came up in a Google search. I live over in Alleghany County and I enjoyed perusing your blog.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Heidi.

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Thanks for posting these lovely words, I spent four happy years in Old Town Alexandria and miss Virginia and her people. A framed copy of the creed and a wooden pineapple are on my hall stand, in a little flint cottage in rural England. Nice looking blog.

  4. Country Girl, thank you for stopping by with your kind words about Virginia. Just think ... the Virginia Creed on the wall of a cottage in England ... amazing. The world is, indeed, small.

  5. Being born and raised in Roanoke (yes, I'm a Hillbilly), graduating from The College (that's William and Mary for non-natives), and teaching in the Commonwealth for 25 years, I identify with The Creed. Living in Northern Virginia for the past 20 years and not associating with many natives has dulled my senses a lot. Living now in South Carolina really drives the difference home. I'm going to print The Creed, frame it, and hang it on my wall. When I die I want my ashes carried back to 'Ole Virginny...sprinkle me under the star on Mill Mountain, please!!
