Friday, February 08, 2008

Another U. S. Senate candidate ... Bob Berry

Will attend Saturday's SWAC-GOP Breakfast

A third candidate has appeared on the scene to run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by the retiring John Warner.

Bob Berry will attend the SWAC-GOP Breakfast Saturday morning to address local Republicans about his reasons for entering the primary. In his brochure, he states:
I have witnessed the steady erosion of conservative principles and leadership from the Republican Party at a critical time in our nation’s history when we need them the most. The domestic and foreign challenges facing our nation are profound, and now, more than ever, we need a U.S. Senator who will not waiver from our conservative foundations.

Let’s talk about the challenges facing us today. Permit me to make my case with you in this primary season.

My candidacy is based on the premise that modern liberal philosophy in America has severely jeopardized our National Security and undermined our free market prosperity. As your Senator, I will:

1) Face our Foreign Policy challenges with the courage to protect and defend our sovereignty and our moral and military strength.
2) Create new legislation to: a) Secure the southern boarder and, b) reform immigration laws to make them fair and more effective. Oppose all Amnesty legislation.
3) Advance, with no exceptions, only Justices who hold only to the plain language of the United States Constitution as their legal standard.
4) Limit federal spending to core federal functions only. No earmarks. Core functions are:
-- National Security
-- Infrastructure and Transportation
-- Commerce Management
-- Limited Entitlements
5) Defend all innocent human life, all the time.
6) Promote national energy self sufficiency by the development of domestic oil and nuclear power plants, lessening dependence on foreign oil.
7) Establish a regional transportation consortium that produces a long term, comprehensive vision for alleviating wasteful traffic congestion.
8) Keep Congress and our populace vigilant about the serious adversarial and terrorist threats currently arrayed against the United States and her interests.

 Childhood in Virginia Beach
 High School in Virginia Beach
 Christian Ministry & Bible School
 Virginia State Police, Trooper
 B.S. in Political Science, James Madision Unv. , Harrisonburg
 Republican National Committee, Analyst
 Republican Political Activist
 Political Appointment, George H.W. Bush Administration
 U.S. Congress, Defense Legislative Assistant
 25 years, United States Navy
 10 years, Intelligence Officer

Campaign Phone: 703-209-7978

Cross-posted at

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