Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chris Saxman in Richmond....

Jeff Schapiro has an interesting article in today's Richmond Times-Dispatch about legislators and General Assembly-types who bunk in together during session in Richmond ... and asks about the possibility of conflict-of-interest when those arrangements involve lobbyists and legislators. He even talked with our own Delegate Chris Saxman about his living accommodations while away from Staunton representing his constituents.

In "Living in truly close quarters," Schapiro writes:
Another delegate, Chris Saxman of Staunton, stays with a fellow GOP lawmaker who's married to a lobbyist. Saxman would crash with Sen. Ryan McDougle and his wife, Bea, at their house in Hanover, but Chris and Ryan now bach it at a McDougle riverfront condo. As for rent, Saxman says only, "we have an arrangement."
Short, interesting read.

Update:Thanks to Delegate Saxman who contacted me to say Jeff Schapiro was running a correction to the article's last paragraph which should say:
“If you can’t take their money, eat their food and drink their wine and then vote against them, then you shouldn’t be down here."
Thanks, Sax!

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