Friday, February 01, 2008

HB 3202 (HRTA) ... not good for Tidewater

Jim Bowden lives in Tidewater and is fighting HB 3202 ... but he needs help. He posted today on Deo Vindice and Bacon's Rebellion:
My new state senator, John Miller (D-1SD), saw his bill to kill the HRTA die in committee. He had modified his own bill to end the unelected, unaccountable, unseparated powers Regional Government to exclude only The Peninsula. Still, it went down 10-4.Now, the only chance to kill the HRTA this session is the bill my delegate, Tom Gear (R-91HD), submitted.

HB 829 redlines, repeals, the HRTA and its projects which don't solve the transportation congestion here from the monster HB3202. The rest of HB3202 stands for the rest of the Commonwealth to suffer.The People of Tidewater still stand against this wrong plan, expansion of unnecessary government, and wrong taxes over 2:1.Yet, the bill isn't even on the docket in the House Transportation Committee.
Check out his site for the list of committee members to contact.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. The Republicans on the committee need to get this out to the floor.

    Are we the Party of The People or not? Choose now.

    Conservatives will remember who on the committee helped us and who didn't - if any don't.
