Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Poll: Romney leading McCain by 7% in California - Updated

The latest Reuters/CSpan/Zogby poll has Mitt Romney leading John McCain by 7% in California. Other polls show a dead heat in this battle for 173** delegates.

Mitt Romney 40%, John McCain 33%
The polls close at 8:00 tonight (11 p.m. ET). With such close numbers the winner may not be known until late.

**Clarification: California's 173 delegates are winner-take-all by Congressional Districts with the overall statewide winner receives another 11 GOP delegates.

Mitt Romney for President


  1. California is not a winner take all state.

  2. I hope Romney Crushes McPain! If you are a California voter, you've got it bad enough, but you can bet your life they are rallying to anybody but McPain!

    What I mean is that some people are ok, I'll support Romney or Huckabee, because of this or that. Then you those who have followed Conservative politics for ever and have been constantly put off by McCain's deals with his friends the Dems...

    Do you think they want to stop that guy? Do you think they will tell 5 friends?

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    It is okay to support any Republican other than McCain, but what bothers me is the constant bashing (e.g. Anne Coulter, Rush, Seant, etc) of a good man. Have I always agree with McCain? No, but what candidate do we always agree with? We need unite and win in November against Hillary or Obama. If they keeps this up, we will be divided in November.

  4. GOP Rock, I have said all along that I will back whomever the candidate is. Meanwhile, we are still in the primary so I'm backing Romney for a variety of reasons.

    I have not agreed with John McCain for a long time except for his stand on the war. I haven't changed in what I'm looking for in a candidate.

    With that said, I am not one to pout and pick up my ball and go home if my guy doesn't win. I'll be there in the fall.

  5. Henry, thanks for pointing that out. I clarified the post to winner-take-all in the Congressional District, not overall.

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I know you will support the candidate. I will support the candidate too whether it's Romney, Huckabee or McCain. I am just afraid that certain people (Rush, etc.) will damage McCain. When I mentioned "we" earlier I was more less referring to Rush & Company.
