Friday, February 15, 2008

Presidential Prayer Team: Northern Illinois University needs your prayers

From John Lind, President of the Presidential Prayer Team....

Once again, our hearts wrenched as we watched yet another tragic campus shooting unfold yesterday at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.

Shooter Steve Kazmierczak, a former student, opened fire in Cole Hall, a lecture auditorium, injuring 18 and killing six, including himself. A model student, Kazmierczak had recently quit taking medication and was experiencing erratic behavior.

NIU President John Peters said expressions of support had come in from all over the country and around the world. He spoke with confidence that the campus community will come through the tragedy, with strong support and prayer from each other and the nation.

Students held an informal prayer vigil Thursday night on campus at Northern Illinois University. Photo courtesy of the NIU Northern Star.

President Bush called Peters yesterday, and said that “a lot of people will be praying for the families of the victims and for the Northern Illinois University community.” Bush called on the nation to "offer their blessings — blessings of comfort and blessings of strength."

Students at Virginia Tech, the site of a tragic shooting last year, spoke of the importance of the support and prayers of the nation.

Please, team, join me in praying for the campus community of NIU. Your heartfelt prayers have brought healing and hope many times in the past. Now, we have the opportunity to bless the nation again with our prayers.

Prayer points for NIU tragedy:

- Strength and healing for the injured.
- Comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
- Healing for the entire campus community, particularly those traumatized.
- Praise for the effective and timely response of law enforcement and medical personnel.
- Strength for campus administration and staff who continue to deal with the situation.
- Effective response by the faith and helping communities.
- For Christians to rise and express appropriate ministry and witness.

Thank you for rising to minister during this tragic occasion and upholding the community of NIU in your prayers.

Prayerfully yours,

John Lind

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