Thursday, February 07, 2008

Righty blogs on BNN ... a conservative alcove in the blogosphere

There's a conservative alcove in the blogosphere called Righty Blogs/ Virginia, sponsored by conservative mega-site RedState, offering a wider variety of right-of-center blogs than are available on Blog Net News/ Virginia.

One of my favorite reads that is only available on Righty Blogs is Win the War by Josh Levy, a UVa law student who organized the Win the War rally in Charlottesville last June when anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan was in town.

Another favorite is The Conservative V.O.I.C.E., the blog for VCAP -- the Virginia Conservative Action PAC that supports conservative candidates and issues in Virginia.

Others are 84 Rules, Kinshasa On The Potomac, the evangelical outpost, The HILL Chronicles, and many more.

Sometimes it is nice to be in the middle of like-minded folks. That is when I click over to Righty Blogs, couch back, and enjoy the comfort of being in the "right" room.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Thank you for the kind mention.
