Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saxman calls on Huckabee to step aside

With two major contenders left to battle it out for the Republican nomination in the race for president, local Delegate Chris Saxman, who is co-chair of the John McCain/Virginia campaign, has called on Mike Huckabee to step aside.

Today's Richmond Times-Dispatch reported:
Huckabee has vowed to stay in the race until either he or McCain has delegates needed to claim the nomination. His persistence has become an annoyance to some McCain supporters, one of whom lashed out at Huckabee yesterday.

Del. Christopher B. Saxman, R-Staunton, who is co-chairing McCain's Virginia campaign, called on Huckabee to get out of the race and to speak out against anti-McCain telephone calls being made in the state.

"The fight for the Republican nomination is all but over. There is no path to victory for Mike Huckabee, yet his supporters continue to attack John McCain," Saxman said. "The sooner our party is united behind our eventual nominee, the better off we will be to face the onslaught from and the Democratic Party."
Virginia's primary is Tuesday with McCain, Huckabee, and Ron Paul still in the race.

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