Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ken Cuccinelli to live blog at Family Foundation blog Friday

In another General Assembly exclusive for The Family Foundation's blog, Senator Ken Cuccinelli (R-37, Fairfax) has agreed to blog live for one hour on this Friday, March 7, at 2:00 p.m. or upon adjournment of the Senate floor.

Simply go to the link and post a question for Senator Cuccinelli. He then will answer all posted questions in one sitting. If you want to see his answers live, simply click your refresh button throughout the hour; or, come back at your leisure and read his answers on the thread all at once.

Senator Cuccinelli is one of the most principled conservatives in Virginia politics and not only is he a leader in several areas (such as pro-life, property rights, family values and traditional marriage, open government, and limited government and tax restraint) he has been effective at getting laws passed and advancing the ball in these areas. For example, when most people last year thought the big developers and the powerful local government lobby (which uses your tax money to lobby against your rights) would prevent eminent domain reform in response to the deplorable Kelo U.S. Supreme Court decision, he fought hard and smart, and delivered a tough law preventing government from seizing private property.

This will be an exciting opportunity to ask Senator Cuccinelli questions about last November's elections, the General Assembly, his future plans (he is planning a run for attorney general), the budget, Friday's state Supreme Court decision invalidating last year's transportation plan, or his stunning victory on the Senate floor late last week when his amendment to ban state funding to Planned Parenthood first was ruled in order by Lt. Governor Bill Bolling, then adopted 21-20 on Lt. Governor's tie-breaking vote. Of course, there are dozens of other great topics, and Senator Cuccinelli never shies away from an honest answer to a tough question, so don't hold back.

We take great pride in our extensive coverage and exclusive stories and interviews on our blog, which isn't a half-year old. Other, much more established blogs, have not achieved the access and exclusivity we have. We hope you enjoy the work we put into the blog and fully take advantage of it by participating on it. We look forward to seeing you at The Family Foundation Blog.

From The Family Foundation

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