Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shad Planking tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day for politicians statewide, Republicans and Democrats, as sign wars break out on the miles of roadway leading to the gathering area and volunteers head out early in the day to get a jump on the competition.

Bloggers will be out in full force as well as politicans who will be pressing the flesh while supporters and sideline watchers hit the beer wagons and wait for that shad to be planked. The piney woods of Wakefield will be the happening place for one brief day with political speeches and back-home music. Wear your comfortable shoes because you will spend the majority of the day on your feet.

The shad planking is not about the shad ... and it's not even about the beer. It's about networking ... the back-slapping, elbow-rubbing, eye-winking opportunities to pull in new supporters, line up deals, and continue the politicking that will be the topic of the day.

Shad planking 2008....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Here's an alternative to listening to those sell-out politicians. While they prattle on from their perches on the flatbed trailer, join your fellow Virginians in singing our good old State song!

    Here are the lyrics:

    Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny
    Carry me back to old Virginny,
    There's where the cotton and the corn and tatoes grow,
    There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime,
    There's where the old darke'ys heart am long'd to go,
    There's where I labored so hard for old massa,
    Day after day in the field of yellow corn,
    No place on earth do I love more sincerely
    Than old Virginny, the state where I was born.


    Carry me back to old Virginny,
    There's where the cotton and the corn and tatoes grow,
    There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime,
    There's where this old darkey's heart am long'd to go.

    Carry me back to old Virginny,
    There let me live 'till I wither and decay,
    Long by the old Dismal Swamp have I wandered,
    There's where this old darke'ys life will pass away.
    Massa and missis have long gone before me,
    Soon we will meet on that bright and golden shore,
    There we'll be happy and free from all sorrow,
    There's where we'll meet and we'll never part no more.
