Friday, April 04, 2008

USS Wisconsin Norfolk reunion this summer

My dad served on the USS Wisconsin in 1944-46 during the fiercest South Pacific battles of World War II. Dad has been dead for 33 years. The USS Wisconsin has since been retired to Norfolk.

A reunion for her crew is held every two years. This summer it will be held August 26-31, 2008, in Norfolk.

I want to walk in my late dad's footsteps ... I will be there.

1988-2008 20th Anniversary of our Association

The USS Wisconsin Association Biennial Reunion will take place at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott on August 26-31, 2008. Rooms have been blocked. You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations for this event. The group rate will be honored, as long as rooms are available, until July 24th. Be sure to book your room(s) early!

There are many attractions in this seaport city of Norfolk, to name a few, Nauticus (The National Maritime Center), Town Point Park, the Cannonball Trail and oh yes, that magnificent battleship, the USS Wisconsin BB-64. Without a doubt the best attraction around.

So come on former crew members, mama is waiting to see you once again, please don't disappoint her. She desperately needs to see her 1940s, 1950s and 1980s/90s children. Bring the grandchildren, she will love that.
We will honor their service and never forget....
This Page is Dedicated to All of our Deceased Shipmates

Our shipmates will always be remembered as Battleship Sailors and Battleship Marines and will live on as part of the USS Wisconsin History.

A beautiful Memorial Service is held at every reunion for our USS Wisconsin shipmates who have passed on since our last reunion. Each name is read aloud, a flower is placed by loved ones or friends into memorial wreaths, the ship's bell tolls, taps are played, and there is a 21 gun salute. After the service the wreaths are usually put out to sea.

This is quite an impressive and moving ceremony.
Be sure to read the Roll of Honor ... my dad and his best friend from Roanoke are listed.

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