Tuesday, May 06, 2008

6th District Convention: Salute to the troops

A tradition of the Sixth District has been to recognize our military at our convention. Two years ago I had that privilege and was again honored to be asked to salute our troops this year. We had the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance led by Scott Sayre, the National Anthem, and then the Salute to the Troops:
From care packages to letters from home ... from rallies to bumper stickers to yellow ribbons ... and even to a 2008 Super Bowl Budweiser commercial ... America shows her support of our Armed Forces.

A tradition of the 6th District Convention has been to do the same.

The war on terrorism escalated on 9/11 ... and Congressman Bob Goodlatte was there to support our President and our troops ... and in January 2006 he traveled to Afghanistan to visit the military.

Today we want to honor our military and thank them. This is a brief list of some of our 6th District military members.

Captain Charles Anderson, Army, son of Ann and Fred Anderson of Roanoke County. Two tours deployments to Iraq.

Marcus Averill, Army, son of Dan and Trixie Averill of Roanoke County. Three tours to Iraq.

John Hayden, son of Kathy Terry of Botetourt County. In the Navy; stationed at the Portsmouth Navy Hospital.

Major Scott Crosby, Air Force, son of Jim and Linda Crosby of Botetourt County. Recently returned from Qatar.

Welcome home, Shea Cook! U.S. Army, recently returned from Baghdad. Shea was the former 9th District Republican Chairman, from Tazewell County.

Pat Harman, Army National Guard. Returned last week from his second deployment to Iraq. Pat is the brother-in-law of Staunton Chairwoman Anne Taetzsch.

And in Augusta County we have lost three young Marines in Operation Iraqi Freedom ... all 19 years old ... all Lance Corporals.

Jason Redifer, killed in action, January 31, 2005.

Daniel Bubb, killed in action, October 17, 2005.

Daniel Morris, killed in action, Februay 14, 2007.

When Daniel Morris died last year, the community turned out. As the Patriot Guard Riders stood at attention, each holding an American flag to honor this young man, Bob Goodlatte came by to pay his respects to the family.

We would like to recognize the following so please stand and remain standing if you are currently active military ... if you are the parents of an active military member ... if you have lost a loved one in the war on terrorism ... if you are in the Reserves or other military service ... if you are a veteran.

Please join me in a round of applause in thanking these men and women who help keep us safe here at home.

We also thank their families for their sacrifice.

I want to close by saying ... Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. Freedom is not free. Thank you to all our Armed Froces for your service.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Great post! We should never forget those that have served and the men and women that are still protecting our freedoms. At the 7th District Convention Congressman Cantor recognized Col. Jim Hopper who just returned from a 22 month deployment to Iraq. Col. Hopper has been an active member of the Henrico County Republican Committee and an attorney in the AG's office since Jim Gilmore was the Attorney General. Thanks for the reminder.
