Friday, May 16, 2008

Democrats feuding over Kaine's transportation proposals?

"Governor Kaine wanted the Democrats in the House and the Senate to get behind one set of proposals, and that is just not going to happen."
- Sen. R. Creigh Deeds (D-Bath)

Uh-oh. Sounds like trouble on the democrat side of the aisle. Thursday's Washington Post reported:
The internal battle between House and Senate Democrats over what taxes should be increased represents a turnaround in Virginia politics. For much of this decade, it has been moderate and conservative Republicans who have been divided, resulting in stalled efforts to enact taxes or fees to relieve traffic congestion and repair the state's aging network of highways.
Many differences appear to be over how to raise the needed finances. The Post continued:
[Democrat state senator Richard] Saslaw, backed by many Senate Democrats, wants an increase in the state's 17.5-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax, which hasn't been raised since 1986. [Del. Ward] Armstrong and [Del. Brian] Moran, who are spearheading efforts by Democrats to gain the majority in next year's elections, oppose a gas tax increase, citing the record price of fuel at the pump. Kaine agrees."

I just don't think we can impose [a gas tax] on the public when they are already paying three dollars and 60 cents a gallon," Armstrong said. "We all have constituents that are struggling to put gas in their car."

Kaine and Democrats commissioned a poll six weeks ago that found more than 80 percent of residents oppose a 15-cent-a-gallon increase in the gas tax.

Saslaw shot back at the House Democrats: "I don't run the state on polls, and if Brian and Ward want to run the state on the polls, that is their problem."
Tim Kaine is scheduled to address the transportation issue in Staunton next week. Americans For Prosperity and others will be there to greet him.

If you plan to attend:
Tim Kaine's Staunton Transportation Town Hall Meeting
Thursday, May 22 - 6:30-8:00 pm
Mary Baldwin College
Francis Auditorium - 3rd floor
227 E. Frederick Street, Staunton
H/T to GOP Caucus

Cross-posted at

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