Wednesday, May 21, 2008

L.L. Bean comes through again....

My family has been a customer with L.L. Bean for years because of their no-nonsense clothing, camping supplies, and gift items. Our L.L. Bean tents and sleeping bags have been in use for years, and I often use them to send Christmas gifts to friends who live throughout the country.

I received a thank you note today from friends in Colorado who had just found their L.L. Bean fire starters that we had sent for Christmas. In December the UPS driver had left it at an out-of-the-way side door that they never use.

She wrote that, after six months of record snowfalls without even seeing the ground, the package was found last week when they wandered to that area of the yard. Spying something propped up against the door, they checked it out to find a sad-looking package that had definitely spent months outdoors under the snow.

When they opened the package they were pleasantly surprised to find that L.L. Bean had it so well packaged that the contents were perfectly fine and showed no sign of six months of harsh Colorado weather.

Knowing L.L. Bean's customer service, they probably would have replaced it free of charge if damaged even though it was no fault of their own. But, as it is, I will be notifying them of this wayward package story and thanking them for their thoroughness with protecting merchandise for shipping.

L.L. Bean. Still the #1 outdoor supplier for my family.

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