Sunday, May 25, 2008

Michelle Malkin weighs in on Subway/home school controversy

Update 5/28/08: Subway apologizes....

Subway's snub of home schooled students for a writing contest has caught the attention of Michelle Malkin. Read her comments here and be sure to read the comments left by readers.

This has whipped up the home schooling community nationwide, the very people who have worked the past 25 years to raise studious, principled, hard-working children with a work ethic (and patriotism) that is often not seen in the public schools these days.

My comments on the Subway story and the link to the original World Net Daily article are here.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Michelle,

    I wanted to let you know that Subway has revamped their Every Sandwich Tells a Story contest, reintroducing it as a Summer Special, running through August 31. They even took out a banner ad with Homeschooling Today magazine.

    For all those who clamored about Subway excluding homeschoolers, now's the time to show them that we will indeed participate when they include us. The registration form I saw asks for the Child's School Name, so homeschoolers should make sure they enter something like Smith Family Homeschool, rather than Smith Academy.

    The link to the contest is available on

    Jim Bob
