"From the Frontlines" Web-a-thon
Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 4 pm-Midnight Eastern
Move America Forward has launched a drive to send the largest single shipment of care packages to U.S. troops - in history!Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 4 pm-Midnight Eastern
Simply sponsor care packs to our troops - pick from the packages listed on the website - and they will be sent to U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The items will be personally labeled, indicating who the sponsor of the package was and how you can be reached, and will include a special personalized message to our troops that you can choose to include.
Talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh, and television & radio personality Monica Crowley, have both joined the all-star lineup to support this drive and will be appearing on the June 26th eight-hour web-a-thon, "From the Frontlines."
Hosted by Melanie Morgan and Michelle Malkin, others taking part are Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, News Max's Christopher Ruddy, Human Events' Jeb Babbin, World Net Daily's Joseph Farah, Soldiers' Angels founder (and America's Mother of the Year) Patti Patton-Bader, Gathering of Eagles' Larry Bailey, and Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee.
This event will be broadcast via live streaming video online at Ustream.TV. Kithbridge, Inc. will set up a blog feed as the blogosphere is enabled to help drive this historic effort to support our military men and women.
Help our Armed Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan by sending a care package from home. Check the Move America Forward website for the list of packages.
Let's get everyone we can involved in this effort. Thanks so much for spreading the word!
ReplyDeleteMove America Forward's one day care package event is very exciting and should raise a lot of funds to help support all its activities. But please do not ignore the myriad of other grass-roots, all-volunteer organizations throughout the country that have been supporting the troops on a daily basis since the War on Terror started (some even earlier), and will continue to do so as long as there are American service members serving anywhere in the world. Wonderfully dedicated groups such as Treat the Troops (http://www.treatthetroops.org), Give 2 The Troops (http://www.give2thetroops.org) and Operation Gratitude (http://www.opgratitude.com ) have sent many millions of cookies, jelly beans, items and letters through their care packages for several years, and welcome donations and volunteers on a year-round basis to sustain their missions. One time massive efforts are an important show of support, but please let us not forget the troops tomorrow--they will still be in harm's way!