Saturday, May 31, 2008

RPV Convention: Day 2 -- Updated

Wow. Lots of news out of the Republican Party of Virginia State Convention at the Richmond Convention Centre today.

Congratulations to Jim Gilmore on his nomination to be the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat. It was a narrow win ... the Marshall supporters were louder and I thought Gilmore had possibly lost ... but he eeked out a win in the end with 66 votes over Marshall.

Congratulations to Jeff Frederick on his win as RPV Chairman. I would like to thank John Hager for all he did for RPV. We are very much appreciative.

Bloggers were all over the place. Met Jim Hoeft whose Bearing Drift live-blogged from the press table. Saw Shaun Kenney often ... met Alton Foley of I'm Not Emeril ... chatted with Catherine Dickson of Powhatan Life and United Conservatives ... caught up with Jane Dudley of Conservativa ... Phil Lynch of Yankee Phil was there ... I met DJ McGuire of Right-Wing Liberal ... also met Ron from Isophorone. Talked with James Atticus Bowden (Deo Vindice) about various conservative issues. Looks like I missed other boggers who attended, from what I've read on the blogs. Spent too long in the Bolling-McDonnell "birthday hospitality suite" Friday night and missed the blogger hospitality suite.

Augusta Chairman Kurt Michael was there working the floor to pass out and count ballots. Also busy working the crowd was former Albemarle Chairman Keith Drake as well as current chairman Christian Schoenwald.

Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Delegate Steve Landes, Delegate Chris Saxman, and Delegate Ben Cline were all there as was Sen. Mark Obenshain

Jerry Kilgore and Marty were in attendance as were George Allen and Susan.

We had 32 delegates from Augusta County. Saw many familiar faces and had fun with everyone. It was a productive convention and shapes the Party in a different way than many thought it would be. Now it's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work for the Fall elections.

More to follow with lots of convention photos....


  1. It was great meeting you and a bunch of other bloggers at the convention. Are you going to post any embarassing pictures? ;)

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I agree we should give Jeff a chance to lead the party. He won a tough race and now must get the party ready for 2009. He demostrated that he can build an organization to win the Chair, and I am confident he can do the same for the party.

    I was absolutely thrilled to meet John Brownlee. Brownlee is running for Attorney General against Ken Cuccinelli and Dave Foster. I think Ken is a great senator, but Brownlee is one of the most impressive candiates our party has had for a number of years. He is a top notch conservative, a US Attorney, Army Ranger and law professor. The party needs to get behind Brownlee to be our AG.

  3. Ron, it was great to meet you, too. Thanks for finding me in that crowd!

    After blogging and being on the ODBA together I almost feel as if I already know you guys ... we have agreed on issues and supported candidates together.

    Photos ... nope, won't post any embarrassing photos ... unless you call a blogger wearing funny glasses "embarrassing." :) That one will find its way on here. I'll try to post photos later today.

  4. While I do not know very much about Brownlee yet, I am a strong Ken Cuccinelli supporter.

    I first met Ken as a fellow home school parent and then got to know him as an elected. I would not support him just because he's a fellow home schooler. I have followed his record in the legislature and he has stood solidly with conservative Republicans. I like that.

    At the same time Ken will stand for educational choice ... parents allowed to make decisions on the education of their children. I like that.

    Ken is a family man who gives of himself to stand up for the principles I, as a conservative, believe in. I like that.

    Therefore, I will be supporting Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General of Virginia 2009.

  5. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Does anyone have photos of Yankee Phillip & Maxwell?
    I don't know how it happened but I ended up with lots of Alton.
    Am willing to trade.

  6. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That's Maxfield :)

    And I'm sure some embarrassing ones of me will surface soon ;)
