Thursday, May 08, 2008

Who watches out for the little guy?

I was out and about in Augusta County today doing some research for upcoming posts ... issues that involve the powerful and monied people in the SWAC area versus the everyday working guy.

The parallels between that and what is occurring with the Augusta County Republican Committee are amazing because there, again, it is the powerful, monied people and the electeds versus the volunteer, the working guy, the one who stands on his/her principles.

Sadly, the situation is so ingrained and runs so deep that even the local newspapers do not have the will to research the background and follow the trails that are obvious but buried beneath layers of bureaucracy. The newspapers receive their advertising revenue from none other than the same monied and powerful people who are crushing down on the everyday working guy and the volunteer.

One could become discouraged. One could say that money speaks ... that it is the most powerful tool in the world ... that it corrupts beyond belief. One could say you cannot fight city hall.

One would be wrong.

But it takes special people to stand up to the monied and powerful. It takes a special stamina to withstand the abuse. It takes a perseverence that is missing in most people. It takes strong principles and beliefs, involving the moral high road, to withstand the temptation to cave in like the others.

This is where paths part ways ... some follow the powerful; some follow their principles.

If one were to believe there are no fighters left in the world -- no moral or principled men left -- one would be wrong.

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