Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Andy Card: McClellan's book "tawdry"

Ouch, ouch, and ouch. Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan's former fellow employees do not agree with his assessment of the White House in his bash-the-President book ... and they continue to pubicly speak out about it.

Andy Card, former White House Chief of Staff and long-time George W. Bush friend, is the latest to weigh in on the tell-all book. He, like other former staff members such as Karl Rove, is not impressed.

Addressing the issue, Mr. card said:
“I don’t think it’s appropriate for people who are assistants to the president to do that, to write these kind of books.”

Card says, “I’m sad, because it has created a climate that makes it more difficult for a president to get unvarnished counsel if he has to think — or other people on the staff — have to think that what they talk about could show up in a book contemporaneous to their service.”

Card adds, “It’s troubling that a trust was broken. So I view the book as tawdry; the fact of the book is tawdry.”
A trust was broken ... a president cannot discuss issues internally with his trusted advisors without having one break away and, for profit, betray the very people who relied on him.

This continues to be a sad episode....

Previous posts on this subject:
- Scott McClellan: Former "team player" throws the team under the bus
- Bob Dole blasts turncoat McClellan
- Scott McClellan's 15 minutes of fame have slipped away


  1. But no one in the Bush Cheney White House disputes what Scott McClellan has revealed....at least the boy is trying to atone for his sins....which is more than Bush and Cheny have done....

    To think that the President and Vice President were most likely the ones to make sure a CIA agent's cover was blown...that's so despicable.

    It seems the "people on the left" were right all along....

    So more media folks (and bloggers) need to start listening to Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, Seymour Hersh. Bill Moyers, and Amy Goodman.....especially now that they are starting up their propanda machine to lead us into another disastrous war with Iran...

    Sorry but I'm not looking forward to gas at 10-15 dollars a gallon....but it seems this makes Cheney and Bush drool just thinking about it.


  2. Mosquite, so great of you to stop by to offer some of your liberal reasoning.

    You will want to check out Cargosquid's latest post at United Conservatives with the extensive list of rebuttals and information and facts regarding the war, who knew what when, weapons of mass destruction, and other facts that are just that: facts.


  3. swac girl...as soon as I have some time I'll so what "alleged liberals" are so good at.... RESEARCH....we believe that if our leaders need to be accountable for what they say and do.

    My comment still stands...Scott MeClellan's statements are NOT in question.

    They are simply doing their infamous attack the messenger number that they do so well...and the corporate media is assisting them as usual.

    In the latest White House propaganda blitz...they have decided that the latest National Intelligence Evaluation which disputes "their intelligence facts for invading Iran" should now be classified material so they won't have to deal with any questions from Congress or the public about why the intelligence is saying it's NOT a good idea for Cheney and Bush to bomb Iran. That's a fact....someone on the right might have enough gumption to look it up.

    BTW...I don't know who you think you are swatting in your fantasy graphic but it isn't me. But if it gets you off have fun.

