Friday, June 13, 2008

Dems say no to U.S. drilling off-shore

Democrat Jim Moran votes against drilling; Republican Virgil Goode votes for it

Despite the fact the Chinese are 50 miles off our coast drilling for oil, Democrats voted in subcommittee Wednesday to deny the U.S. access to that oil "because there are other things we can do."

My response: name it. Name what we can do to provide domestic oil for America.

Here are the ones who voted AGAINST drilling on our continential shelf: Norman D. Dicks (WA), James P. Moran (VA), Maurice D. Hinchey (NY), John W. Olver (MA), Alan B. Mollohan (WV), Tom Udall (NM), Ben Chandler (KY), Ed Pastor (AZ), Dave Obey (WI), Ex Officio.

Here are the ones who voted FOR drilling on our continental shelf: Minority Ranking Member: Todd Tiahrt (KS), John E. Peterson (PA), Jo Ann Emerson (MO), Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (VA), Ken Calvert (CA), Jerry Lewis (CA), Ex Officio.

Note Democrat Virginia Congressman Jim Moran voted AGAINST. Be sure to thank him for your high gas prices at the pump.

Republican Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode voted FOR. Thank you, Congressman Goode.

Glenn Beck covered the subject on his show Thursday, reminding listeners that Bill Clinton shut off oil exploration of those areas. He said:
... the Government estimates that the outer continental shelf, the one they said no to yesterday, has 76 billion barrels of oil in it that are recoverable and that's with today's technology. Let me put that into perspective. 76 billion barrels is enough to replace every single barrel of oil that we import from everywhere outside of North America for the next 34 years at our current pace. That's in the one place, one, that congress said we couldn't go into yesterday. [emphasis added]
The liberal argument that domestic oil will not put a dent in our demand is, once again, proven to be wrong.

But what about the environmental impact that lefties love to dangle over Americans? Mr. Beck covers that, too:
There have been no spills over 1,000 barrels in 15 years of the outer continental shelf drilling. The National Academy of Sciences found that the offshore industry is among the safest industrial activities in the United States. Outer continental shelf operations are more than five times less likely to cause a spill than oil tankers who are importing oil.
It is time for Americans to stop the roadblocks of the liberal environmentalists and drill for domestic oil to make us less dependent on foreign oil.

Drill here. Drill now. Pay less.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    The Republicans must expose the Democrats' weak policies on Energy before November. Of course, they will not get any help from the media.
