Friday, June 13, 2008

Ken Cuccinelli: We need domestic oil - Part 1

Sen. Ken Cuccinelli's latest Compass concentrates on oil drilling in the United States. He writes:
As we periodically do here at The Compass, I want to share an article with you on a topic of great importance – Energy. In addition to supporting increasing our at-home production of petroleum and natural gas, including in Virginia, I also strongly support moving ahead with more nuclear power in Virginia.

We haven’t built a new oil refinery in America since the 1970s and we haven’t built a new nuclear reactor since Three Mile Island (that was 1979 for those of you that might not remember that far back). You can thank your local environmental extremist for these two particular “streaks.” Maybe they’d like you to congratulate them?

We need to elevate the political importance of this issue in elections (as Jim Gilmore is doing), and that means votes should move on the rationality or lack thereof in candidates’ energy positions.

You can see an article below comparing America and Brazil regarding the pursuit (or lack thereof) of resources within our own borders. ... I saw the following article online yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. I have heard both Congressman Cantor and Congresswoman Drake speak on this same subject recently and they both “get it” – thank goodness! We can’t ignore the laws of supply and demand, we might as well try to outlaw gravity (Note: Dems would try to outlaw gravity if they thought they might get the weight-watchers vote…). Additionally, who do you think is getting your $4 per gallon? Hint: it’s not the guy running the service station…
The Wall Street article by Daniel Hennenger follows in "Ken Cuccinelli: We need domestic oil - Part 2."

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