Sunday, June 01, 2008

Scott McClellan ... former "team player" throws the team under the bus

Every president has one ... the disgruntled former employee/fellow worker who turns against the President, who turns against his former fellow workers and sells them out, exposing previously private information while trying to "get back."

And now President George W. Bush has his own ... in the form of Scott McClellan ... the one who was not included in the big decisions, the one who left the White House, apparently holding a grudge that he didn't bother to share with anyone and didn't try to resolve.

Michelle Malkin reminds readers of President Bush's words to McClellan when he left the White House in April 2006:
“One of these days he and I are going to be rocking on chairs in Texas talking about the good old days and his time as the Press Secretary. And I can assure you I will feel the same way then that I feel now, that I can say to Scott, job well done.”
Now we publicly see the plunge of the knife in the President's back from his former press secretary. To profit from book sales, or to play into the hands of the President's enemies, or for whatever his selfish reasons are ... McClellan sells out ... throws the President and his entire hard-working team under the bus.

The blog Suzie-Q wrote:
MSNBC’s Kevin Corke reported this afternoon that White House officials, on background, went even further, calling McClellan a “traitor” and likening him to Benedict Arnold.
Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been all over this story.

On Rush's show Wednesday he said:
"Scott McClellan. ... How does a guy in the Bush administration who was the spokesman and ends up getting fired, end up writing a book that could have been written by bloggers? How does this happen? This is not isolated.

"Folks, it really is a problem. It is a problem that conservatism has faced and will continue to face, as long as there are many gutless among us. Now, I have a little quote here from McClellan back when he was the White House spokesman.

"Richard Clarke came out. He quit the administration, Richard Clarke, and wrote some tell-all book about how the Bush administration and Condoleezza Rice dropped the ball and 9/11 was basically their fault. And we're all sitting here scratching our heads, 'Who the hell is this guy?'

"Then we found out he was in the Clinton administration: 'A-ha! A plant!' (But Bush sort of deserved it because they held the guy over from the Clinton administration.)

"So McClellan, as press secretary, was asked about this. Here's what he said:
'Why all of a sudden, if he had all these grave concerns [Richard Clarke] did he not raise these sooner? This is one and a half years after he left the administration, and now all of a sudden he's raising these grave concerns that he claims he had. And I think you have to look at some of the facts. One, he's bringing this up in the heat of a presidential campaign. He has written a book. He certainly wants to go out there and promote that book. Certainly let's look at the politics of it.'
"Thank you, Scott! You, too, have written a book. You couldn't wait 'til the administration of your president was over. You had to inject your book into this presidential campaign. And you and your grave concerns, where were they all the time you were out there fronting for the administration? No, no."
The Big Mouth Frog blog headlined, "Scott McClellan pulls a Judas on President Bush."

Stuck On Stupid blog reveals:
As all the left wing pundits are promoting Scott McClellan’s new “Tell All” book about the Bush administration it’s been revealed that the publisher is a close ally of George Soros and has published Soros’ books along with a multitude of other left wing authors.
Newsbusters' Brent Baker connects the dots from the liberal publisher to George Soros:
Peter Osnos, who wrote Wednesday that he “worked very closely” with Scott McClellan on McClellan's new book published by PublicAffairs which Osnos founded, is a liberal whose publishing house is affiliated with the far-left The Nation magazine and the publisher of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. PublicAffairs has a roster of authors who are nearly all liberals and/or liberal-leaning mainstream media figures, including six books by far-left bank-roller George Soros.

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Ari Fleischer related that “Scott told me that his editor did 'tweak,' in Scott's word, a lot of the writing, especially in the last few months.” In an “Eat the Press” blog entry Wednesday, Rachel Sklar asked Osnos: “Did you work directly on the book with McClellan? (Who was his editor?)” Osnos replied: “The editor was Lisa Kaufman and yes, I worked very closely with them.”
Presidential confidant Karl Rove has expressed disappointment at McClellan's need to slash-and-burn the administration as has former press secretary Ari Flesher and former White House counselor Dan Bartlett.

Dan Bartlett said the book did the opposite of what McClellan claimed his intentions were.
"It's these very type of books that don't change (the culture in Washington). They put fuel on the fire. He's doing some bit of revisionist history. ... He knew better than most what these books can do, find their own legacy at the expense of the president. He forced this upon us. I'm done with books for a while," Bartlett told FOX News.
"He knew better than most what these books can do," because he had previously been on the inside. Scott McClellan would be no one if the President had not pulled him into the White House. Now he is using his 15 minutes of fame to bash ... hope he doesn't sit by the phone waiting for that Christmas party invitation. How sad.

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