Thursday, June 05, 2008

Scott McClellan's 15 minutes of fame have slipped away....

He was all the talk last week ... out promoting his new book that bashed his former boss, the President of the United States, and his fellow employees who worked with him at the White House.

This week there has been barely a peep. Scott McClellan's 15 minutes of fame are slipping away ... and what did he get for it?

David Rourk today writes about this subject, a subject he is familiar with since he is in the public relations field. Trust is absolutely essential for those on the inside. He writes:
Betraying Trust: In the public relations business, loyalty is a precious commodity coveted by CEO’s and business leaders. The currency of their conversations is trust. The CEO counts on his or her public relations professional as a consultant, sounding board and trusted advisor to navigate fickle publics, aggressive media, and instantaneous, worldwide communications.

Last week former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan released his book presenting a less than flattering view of his former boss, who is also the President of the United States. This is a perfect example of what not to do when you have a seat in the boardroom and are trusted.

Like an attorney-client relationship, good public relations consultants know what happens in the board room stays in the board room.
He goes on to say that, once you write one tattletale book, you are done. Yep ... it looks as if Scott McClellan's 15 minutes of fame have slipped away....

H/T Bearing Drift


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Between McClellan's book and the release of the forever stonewalled (courtesy of Pat Roberts) "Phase 2" past of the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into Iraqi pre-was intelligence, even the most dim out there maybe finally realizing how how incompetent and how much of a colossal liar Bush was from the get go. More importantly, it should be asked why did it until his remaining year for this little tidbit of info to start reaching the general public. -BC

  2. You guys never give up, do you? Have you been safe since 9/11? Why must you continue to belittle the administration when their primary goal is to keep the American people safe from terrorism? Your continuous whining discredits you.
