Monday, June 09, 2008

Tired of $4-a-gallon gasoline?

My new bumper sticker from American Solutions:

Drill HERE. Drill NOW. Pay LESS.
Yankee Phil has good commentary. Wake up, America.


  1. I think you need to get over your bumper sticker mentality and delve a little deeper into this complex topic:

    For starters, there is water. The Colorado River is a vital multi-state water supply. Oil shale extraction has a great potential to degrade the water quality and also requires several barrels of water to produce a barrel of kerogen (which is the byproduct of shale, not oil).

  2. Hoobie, I think you need to take the blinders off and open your mind to something other than the environmentalist propaganda that has been spewed the past 30 years.

    Who mentioned the Colorado River? We are talking ANWR and the Gulf of Mexico and the coast of Virginia. Read the link to Yankee Phil's site that was included in this post. The Chinese are drilling 50 miles off our shores ... and the environmentalists won't let us drill? That is unconscionable. Their reasoning is oil spills? Well, hel-lo! The Chinese could have an oil spill, we suffer the consequences, and still don't have oil

    It is time to stop suffering at the hands of bleeding heart environmentalists who dictate to the American citizens what they can and cannot do ... while the rest of the world does whatever they please.

    We are the most environmentally-conscious country in the world. It is time to stop blaming America ... and stop burdening the American people. We need independence from foreign oil sources.

  3. Thanks for link.
    I am 100% behind safety and the need for care in the process. We have the technology to leave a very small imprint on the ground when we remove natural resources. And if we do make an imprint, we can reclaim the areas like they have done in SWVA.
    Clearly no one wants to "degrade the water quality". Likewise no sensible person wants to return to a pre-Industrial world.

  4. Yankee Phil mentioned the Green River formation oil shale resources. I was commenting on the reality of processing that resource, trying to point out that slogans that sound cute on a bumper sticker arent't always the silver bullet energy solution some are looking for.

    As far as the Chinese slant drilling taking place 50 miles offshore, it appears that they are stealing natural resources belonging to the US.
