Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Whackette (& others) are overly concerned about Kurt Michael

Whackette posted about Kurt Michael's need to resign from the Augusta County Republican Committee. I addressed her concerns in a comment to her post:
Swackette, this is not your part of the Valley but since you made it a point to ask … I will say that many have asked Kurt to remain as chairman including grassroots leaders locally and across the state.

A petition has been signed by over 100 people asking him to stay; the Augusta County Republican Committee unanimously passed a resolution supporting Kurt as our chairman.

Dr. Michael, however, feels he should step aside to help bring about unity in the Party because all the olive branches he has offered to Emmett Hanger since June 2007 have been rebuffed. While I do not agree with his decision, I will stand with him in what he decides.

Kurt has been a strong leader at a time when there was no leadership on the Augusta County Republican Committee … a committee that was practically non-existent eight years ago with no infrastructure and no volunteers.

Kurt helped organize and recruit volunteers and conservative candidates, and also took up social issues within the community at the request of those in the community.

He is not going away but will continue to work for conservative candidates and causes in this revolution that is sweeping the state and the nation. We will all continue the work he has started, with his help.

So not to fear. Kurt will still be here!
I hope that answers her "concerns"....


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Thanks Lynn,

    I just posted a statement over at sixtyfour81.com


    You are true friend :)

  2. "However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship."

    - François Duc de La Rochefoucauld

  3. Thanks for taking the time to respond, but that doesn't answer my concerns.

    This is the question/concern: Why hasn't Kurt resigned at the end of May like he said he would?

  4. Kurt is answering to the Augusta County grassroots and not to you or anyone else. He is doing what is right for the Party.

    It is right for the Party to resign Saturday. He explained that in his resignation post. Time to move ahead....

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Kirt is doing what is right?????. That's a stretch of the truth.If he was willing to do the honest thing he would of accepted his loss at the mass meeting.The vote was 60% Roller 40% Kirt.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Youi might be taken a little more seriously if you at least spelled his name right. Gld to see you've taken so much of an interest in this matter that you've gone to the trouble of spelling his name incorrectly..........
