Saturday, July 26, 2008

Get that foot healed, Trixie ... there's GOP work to do!

Everyone's favorite Valley Republican activist came back from vacation in July with an unusual remembrance of her trip ... a broken foot. Now, some may think Trixie Averill accidentally broke her foot ... but I have another theory.

I think she wanted to extend her vacation.

Instead of driving up and down I-81 to every fair, lawn party, and parade during the summer madness of campaigning, she has been behind her keyboard with her foot propped up in the air-conditioned comfort of her home. With the "kids" yapping around her, she has enjoyed the luxury of being home instead of sweating in the 90-plus degree heat walking behind a candidate's float....

Yard signs? "I can't go out out."

Campaign lit? "I can't drive."

Parade? "I can't walk."


I'm kidding, of course ... because Trixie, one of the hardest working Republicans in the Valley and the Republican Party of Virginia's Western Vice-Chairwoman, is about to go stir-crazy with that broken foot that has kept her from driving or running around doing all the many things she does for the GOP. Her keyboard has been working overtime as she has continued getting information out from home ... but imagine if you were suddenly cut off from driving ... from extensive walking ... from being there for your GOP candidates?

Thankfully, the prognosis is good and she will be ready to go for the Republican Convention coming up in September in Minneapolis. Trixie Girl, we need you! And we're thinking of you!

Break a leg ... er, foot ... er, get well soon!

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