Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Kilo really "Sparks It Up" ... this coal miner tells it like it is

Thanks, Carl! I call 'em like I see 'em.
SWAC Girl steals my heart with this post - Dominion Power ... THANK YOU! Raising Kaine and Green Miles ... butt out!
Carl Kilo is a coal miner ... and he tells it like it is as he writes:
That is right. These fools question the benefits of this plant that will burn only Virginia coal... Two million tons a year of it to be exact. Over 5000 tons a day.

That coal will be mined and trucked to the plant, spreading wealth to truck drivers, fuel sales, tires and parts, insurance sales, and every store a truck driver will stop at during the day. That coal will keep many miners working securely with jobs that pay 50k a year at minimum and 125k for the top positions.

The coal taxes alone will provide a projected 50 to 60 percent of Wise county's tax base. I am not the smartest of men, but I can count. This plant was never about the 75 permanent jobs at the plant, it is about all the others listed above.
Read the rest of his post ... he lays it on the line.

Not only should we be thanking Dominion Power for building the plant and providing jobs and electricity to our state ... we should be thanking those Southwestern Virginians who work the mines, drive the trucks, run the shifts, and everything else that helps make it possible for us to flip a switch and ... voila! ... instant electricity.

My hat's off to Carl Kilo and crew. Thanks, Guys!

1 comment:

  1. And we thank you SWAC Girl for your support.
