Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday night ... Sunday morning ... remembering Tony Snow

Fox News has been on the TV almost all day at our house even though we've been outside working in the garden, the flowers, the yard ... but we stopped back inside for quick snatches of the latest remembrances of Tony Snow from friends and colleagues while cooling down from the mid-day heat.

Saturday night had Bill O'Reilly with an hour looking back at his colleague and friend, and Monday night will offer more. Greta Van Susteren has an hour show with folks remembering him including former President George H. W. Bush and Rush Limbaugh, Brit Hume and Newt Gingrich, and then at 10:00 pm Geraldo will have a one-hour special about Tony Snow.

Tony Snow was in awe of working at the White House because of the history of the place. He remembered those who had served before him ... and he said it brought a tear to his eye. A fellow history nerd....

The White House is awe-inspiring not only because it is the home of the leader of the free world ... but also because of the history, because of those who walked there long before we were there. Tony Snow recognized that.

Sunday's shows will continue the eulogies and remembrances. I am watching them all....

Tony Snow ... 1955-2008.

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