Monday, July 21, 2008

Sign Bob Goodlatte's energy petition

So you're tired of paying high prices for gasoline? Wait until winter when heating costs knock you for a loop. Many in the Valley heat with propane gas which is predicted to double in cost from last year's prices. Ouch.

Want to do something about it? Sign Congressman Bob Goodlatte's energy petition. Here it is:
Energy prices are soaring and Virginia families are feeling the impact from the gas pump to the grocery store. Skyrocketing energy prices and dependence on foreign sources of energy pose a grave threat to our nation’s security and economic stability.

Gaining our independence from foreign sources of energy requires bipartisan cooperation and the recognition that our economy’s lifeblood remains tied to traditional sources of energy, most notably oil, natural gas and clean coal. Just as the energy crisis we face has not emerged overnight, we must recognize that solutions will be found both in the short term with traditional energy sources and conservation, and in the long term with new technology, new fuels, and the uniquely American ingenuity.

Our government must pursue policies that foster increased production of vast oil and natural gas reserves here in the United States in places like ANWR, the large oil shale fields of Colorado and Utah, and the deep ocean fields off our coasts. This includes developing new refineries and clean coal plants. These traditional sources can be supplemented with U.S. produced fuels like bio-diesel and non-subsidized ethanol, and by harnessing the power of wind and solar energy, and increasing our use of nuclear power.

With a diverse, affordable energy portfolio, our economy will remain vibrant and Americans will continue to enjoy the uniquely American freedom of choice, opportunity and quality of life we’ve always enjoyed while our economy transitions to the fuels and technologies of the future.

President Bush recently signed an executive order lifting a 27-year old federal ban on offshore drilling. I commend the President for this action which is overwhelmingly supported by the American people. Democrats in Congress must now follow the President’s lead.

Please join me in calling on the Democratic leadership in Congress to heed the will of the American people and cooperate with the President and Republicans to address our energy crisis. Just as talk of levying excessive taxes on oil companies and posturing about nationalizing the oil industry won’t produce an additional drop of gasoline, election year rhetoric and obstruction won’t help the millions of Americans struggling with high gas prices. Americans need solutions, not rhetoric. Those solutions are waiting to be tapped. Energy independence begins here.
Go here to sign the petition to start taking action to lower energy costs.

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