"Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel Prize-winning author whose books chronicled the horrors of the Soviet gulag system, has died of heart failure, his son said Monday. He was 89.In the 1970s, he wrote the "Gulag Archipelago" trilogy that told of the horrors of Soviet labor camps, unimaginable atrocities for this American teenager. He inspired me in his strength to face and even survive those horrors.
"Solzhenitsyn's unflinching accounts of torment and survival in the Soviet Union's slave labor camps riveted his countrymen, whose secret history he exposed. They earned him 20 years of bitter exile, but international renown.
"And they inspired millions, perhaps, with the knowledge that one person's courage and integrity could, in the end, defeat the totalitarian machinery of an empire."
Sometimes ... one person can make a difference.
Rest in peace.
H/T Reason and Revelation
For those that have not read, "Gulag Archipelago", I highly recommend it. Yes, we conservatives to read !