Monday, August 11, 2008

Anti-energy protesters ... did they walk to Richmond if they're so opposed to drilling & coal?

Anti-energy protesters met today in front of the Massey Energy Company headquarters in downtown Richmond and marched to Dominion Virginia Power to protest ... what?

Electricity? Summer air conditioning? Winter heating propane? Oil for farm vehicles? Gasoline for citizens' vehicles? Electricity for outdoor night lighting?

What exactly is it these people want ... besides the tired old "protecting the environment" line? I have heard that since the 1960s and energy is cleaner and more efficient now than it was then. So what are they complaining about now?

This is getting old. I am tired of hearing nothing but negative complaints from these protesters ... do they have lives like the rest of us? Do they work?

Reportedly gathering from up and down the Eastern Seaboard, how did those protesters get to Richmond if they were so opposed to oil and gas? Walk?

Ride a horse?

Drive a buggy? Oops -- nope, it needs to have its wheels lubricated with oil-based products. And fuel to mill the boards to build it.

Take the train? Oops -- nope, it needs fuel, too. Can't take the bus -- needs gas and oil. Surely they didn't drive cars ... oil, gas, and oil used in tires.

Did they shower afterwards? That required fuel to run the pump to move the water to the pipe to the shower. Did they stay in a motel? Again, fuel needed to air condition the room and provide lights and water and to pave the parking lot and keep the pool clean.

Did they stop in a restaurant to eat? That required fuel to air condition the place, run the appliances, and to truck in the food that was served to them.

Perhaps they want to grow food themselves? That requires oil and gas to run farm equipment unless they want to plow and hoe by hand. A large field would require many hands and much work ... no time left to walk to Richmond to protest the companies that provide energy ... fuel, gas, oil.

Did they wear clothes? Those are transported by 18-wheelers criss-crossing the country delivering goods to shopping centers, stores, and outlets.

Could some reporters please ask those questions of the anti-energy hypocrites next time they cover such an event?


  1. Well, there is a reasonable likelihood that they did not shower, anyway. ;)

  2. I love all the "Oops" examples. This once again proves how much libs base most decisions on emotion and not common sense.
