Saturday, August 16, 2008

Augusta County Republican Women's Club BBQ

Bluegrass band entertains GOP Women.
Barb serves up soda.
Barb Tillett & Kurt Michael

Friday was the seventh (or eighth?) annual Augusta County Republican Women's Barbecue held in Waynesboro. A good group of folks turned out for BBQ and all the fixins, bluegrass music, and fellowship with fellow Republicans.

In attendance were Sen. Emmett Hanger and Del. Ben Cline as well as many activists from the area.

At one table was former Augusta County Chair Kurt Michael and his family, Scott and Mary Sayre, SWAC Girl, and Jimmy Brennerman as well as Annie from the Goodlatte campaign. Waynesboro Vice Chairwoman Melissa Mello and her family came out for the evening as well as Augusta Chair Bill Shirley and his wife.

GOP Women Alice Chambers and Barb Tillett were all over the place helping the other ladies serve, refill, and generally pampering guests.

I've been attending these since they started with the exception of maybe one year. Alice and the others do a great job, and the barbecue is always good. Thanks, Ladies, for another successful event.

Photos by SWAC Girl


  1. Augusta's gain is Essex County's loss - and the 1 CD. Come home, Barb!

  2. Barb tells me about her days with you guys in the 1st District ... but we aren't sending her back!

    First met her in 2004 during Bush campaign when she and hubby stopped by GOP HQs in Staunton while camping up this way. She made an impression on me then; little did either of us know they would decide to move up this way.

    We reconnected three years ago when they made the move and she has been part of our GOP ever since. Kurt recruited her to serve as a magisterial district chair for her corner of Augusta County and she's still herding voters in that area. Go, Barb, go!
