Monday, August 25, 2008

Fox News personnel ... safe in Denver?

When I saw the Fox News anchors reporting live at the Denver Democrat Convention last night, I wondered if there were any safety issues since they are so reviled by liberals on the left. Reviled ... not just "not liked" ... in an atmosphere where protesters are threatening to "Recreate '68," a duplication of the disastrous Democrat Convention of 1968 in Chicago.

Where was John McCain in 1968? He was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

Apparently there are safety issues in Denver, as pointed out by Yankee Phil. First Amendment rights? Freedom of speech? Kum-ba-ya? Not for these anti-war protesters.

Fox News reported on the anti-war march that began at the Capitol in Denver:
About 1,000 anti-war protesters marched to the site of the Democratic National Convention Sunday in Denver, in the first of at least five such rallies planned this week by the group Recreate 68.

The rally began with just a couple hundred demonstrators Sunday morning outside the Colorado State Capitol building, but swiftly grew as they began their trek toward the Pepsi Center, which is under heavy security with the convention set to begin Monday.

Activists like Cindy Sheehan kicked off the event with more than two hours of speeches.

“We’re out here to speak out about the. . .destruction of society and the impact on our own society as we have fewer and fewer resources,” Denver local Jane Cahn told
Yee-ow. Glad I'm not in Denver this week.

John McCain for President 2008


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Where was John McCain in 1968? He was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

    A noun, a verb, and 9/11. Do you really want to sound like the clown that is Rudy 9u11iani?

  2. I'm glad you posted so folks can see how disrespectful you are to, 1) our military; 2) prisoners of war from Vietnam (or any war, for that matter); 3) the United States by dissing a war hero; 4) humanity.

    John McCain served his country. John McCain was shot down in Vietnam. John McCain served five years in a stinking hole in an enemy prison in North Vietnam. John McCain stayed with his fellow American prisoners.

    Terrorists? What terrorists? Oh, that's right ... the ones who blew up planes and buildings on 9/11 and killed more people than ever before on U.S. soil.

    John McCain fought for your freedom to sit at a keyboard and write garbage ... one day you may need the current generation of John McCains to save your sorry behind.

    Your disrespect is beyond my comprehension. When you have done nothing to protect your freedom nor stand up for those who protect you, I suppose it's easy to take it completely for granted.

    Please lurk on blogs elsewhere.

  3. My guess is that "anonymous", (such courage, by the way), was not yet even a stain on the sheets in 1968.

  4. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Um... you took that completely wrong, SWAC. You really did. I meant it to mean that you dont want to sound like a 1 note person... someone who was such a ridiculous candidate that they spent their entire time in Florida courting old New Yorkers.

    I never meant any disrespect to McCain, veterans, POWs, or... humanity(?!?!).

    Please, next time, instead of jumping to conclusions, post a question asking me to clarify. You know I return.

    No, I wasnt a "stain on the sheets", but way to disrespect my parents.

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    When you have done nothing to protect your freedom nor stand up for those who protect you, I suppose it's easy to take it completely for granted.

    Also... you have no IDEA what I do for a living. Obviously, I post from SAIC. Do you know what they do for our country? I protect the lives of soldiers around the country. You sit in a valley and complain about the world... yet do nothing to help it.

  6. There are no liberals on the left. That's why I call them "leftists" instead of "liberals."

    As far as the "Recreate 68" mob goes, it's pretty certain that their encounter with the Fox News crew is the only one they have ever had with FNC, because one can be pretty sure that they never actually watch! A lot of that crowd looked like they weren't exactly bloodstains on the sheet back in 1968! LOL
