Sunday, August 03, 2008

Gathering of Eagles NY successfully defends Times Square recruiting station

Dan Maloney, NY Gathering of Eagles Coordinator, has a write-up about their encounter with the anti-war protesters at the Times Square recruiting station. It was a good day for Patriots. In part, he says:
At two minutes to Noon, just as I had collected the last stragglers I saw, the skies opened with a torrential downpour just as the moonbats were beginning their rally. Conveniently, the area our folks were situated in had a nice wide overhang where we could stay mostly dry. The poor moonbats had no such cover and the wails and anguish that could be heard over their close encounter with that foreign substance H2O was almost pitiful to hear.

When the rain abated we rendezvoused with the rest of the Patriots just as a truck giving out free Monster Power Drinks pulled up and supplied us all with free refreshments! So by the time we were allowed to move in close proximity to the moonbats we were fired up! It should come across in some of the video but we were belting out our chants with extra relish today!
After describing what happened during the rally, Dan ended by saying:
All in all it was an absolutely great day for the Patriots! We had passersby thanking us for being there, active duty personnel stopping by (in one case posing with one of our service branch flags to commemorate their visit), even one lady shouting at the police that she had seen the Islamist starting the whole incident that was partially captured on film.
Go here to read all his report and for photos. Thanks to Dan and all the Gathering of Eagles Patriots for standing up for the rest of us when we couldn't be there.

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