Friday, August 01, 2008

GOE NY on Saturday ... support the troops!

[The Gathering of Eagles New York Chapter has plans to stand up to the anti-war moonbats at Times Square Saturday, August 2 ... but now the Middle Eastern groups have gotten involved as well as evangelical Christians. If you are in the NY area, they need your help now more than ever. They will be in our thoughts and prayers.]

From Dan Maloney, New York Gathering of Eagles...

Folks, the situation has gotten more complicated but also better for ourselves.

There will be five groups involved in Times Square tomorrow.

The Police - trying to keep order in a chaotic situation, we should attempt to obey all lawful orders of police on site. Having said that, please avoid being penned by the police as that will severely impair our mobility. Keep walking, do not stand in one place.

The Evangelical Christians. The evangelist Kim Clement and his group Warriors Knight Club hold the permit for the recruiting station property from 5am to 1pm for a concert. These folks are as close to being on our side as possible so view them as allies. They will have a sound stage erected outside the station and could have several hundred people in attendance.

Moonbats. The main Moonbat entourage is staging their rally on the south side of 42nd St and Broadway. Their area extends from 40th to 42nd St. They will be setting up their sound stage beginning at 10am. Their rally begins at Noon. Their march south (away from the recruiting station) is scheduled to begin at 1:30pm. They are always late.

Adalah-NY is a coalition of muslim, arab and socialist groups who support Palestinians, Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran. They announced their plans to join in the StopWarOnIran protest on Wednesday. They plan to assemble at W.44th St and Broadway at 11:30 to march to join the other moonbats at W.42nd St. This is the wildcard. It is unclear if they have informed the Police of their intentions. It is unclear how many they can muster to participate. The Police are unlikely to allow them to march through the area of the Evangelical Christians. How they will react to that is anybody's guess.

Ourselves. We will assemble in the area of the Recruiting Station and blend in around the perimeter of the evangelicals. We will watch for the Adalah group's appearance and congregate on that side of the Evangelicals to counter any attempt to disrupt their concert or to deface the recruiting station.

When the concert ends we will flow south down Broadway to 42nd St where we will be in a position to speak truth to the propaganda of the moonbats. We will bring as many of the evangelicals as are willing to come. If the police allow, we may be able to follow the moonbats some distance down Broadway as they begin their march. Alternatively, we could have some of our number detour down 7th Avenue and across east on 40th St. to counter the moonbats as they begin their march.

That is the basic game plan. How it will work in practice will depend mainly on how the Police manage the situation.

Bring flags, signs and banners supportive of our troops and their mission.

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