Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rasoul not asked to speak at Obama event

The headline in the Lynchburg News Advance said it all:
Rasoul not asked to speak at Obama event.
Ouch. It was The Big Event with Barack Obama ... and Rasoul received the consolation prize ... a seat in the auditorium.
[Rasoul] was not ... among the series of figures that got a chance to address the crowd in the run-up to Obama’s emergence.

The list of chosen speakers included the likes of state party chairman Dick Cranwell and Sen. Jim Webb. It also featured Tom Perriello, the Democratic nominee in the neighboring 5th District race.
Rasoul got a mention from the chairman of the state Democratic Party, but was otherwise not acknowledged.
Sam Rasoul is running as a Democrat for the 6th Congressional District seat against the very popular Republican Congressman Bob Goodlatte. Recent polls show Congressman Goodlatte leading 2-to-1 against Rasoul.

Fellow 6th District member Mark Peake, Lynchburg's Republican Party chairman, addressed the issue:
“I think the Democrats are trying to steer as far away from his campaign as they can, and I don’t blame them,” Peake said. “Bob Goodlatte is a tremendous congressman. You’re going to have a very hard time unseating an incumbent like him.”
Re-elect Bob Goodlatte to the U.S. Congress.

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