Friday, August 01, 2008

Is "blogger" insurance now necessary for hobby writers?

With the threat of lawsuits being tossed out on an almost-continuous basis in the blogosphere, even with bloggers winning 92% of those suits filed against them, there is a financial drain to defend against something that may have absolutely no basis in reality.

Type "blogger lawsuits" or something similar in a search engine ... and be prepared to be amazed at how many sites come up. The Old Dominion Blog Alliance's own Black Velvet Bruce Li has been sued (Greg wrote earlier this week about this subject) ... other bloggers have received legal threats ... and now I have received notice of possible legal action from Todd Foster, editor at the Bristol Herald Courier (see comments under post for Mr. Foster's first contact with me).

BVBL posted a study that reveals a report from Insurance Journal that bloggers win 92% of their cases. But is it worth it? Are we in a no-man's land where "blogger beware"? Intimidation to shut down freedom of speech ... is it working?

Sadly, the question begs to be asked: Is it now time for "blogger" insurance?


  1. I say let em sue, if they find anything of value let em have it.

    Anyway I thought bloggers were considered a bunch of nut jobs anyway. Who believes or listens to any of this dribble.

    Sounds like the waist band on their underpants are too tight tell em to go to Wal Mart and get a larger size next time they threaten you.

    If it's not true why do they care, if it is what kind of case do they have? And what exactly would be their damages, heresay?

  2. "Tom James" Well you for one read "this drivel" or you wouldn't have known this issue existed.

    As for the posting, I think it's absurd that someone would do this in such a childish mannor. What is the difference between a bloggers opinion and that of an editorial column found in one of the traditional media sources.
