Friday, August 29, 2008

Is it Sarah Palin?

Politico is reporting Karl Rove thinks it's Sarah Palin. When Karl Rove makes a prediction, I pay attention. Are we about to have a woman Vice President candidate? Go GOP!

Wouldn't it be great to have Virginian Eric Cantor on the ticket?


  1. Sort of like his prediction of a permanent Republican majority, huh?

    Or, "Nobody could have predicted (fill in the blank)."

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    its palin

  3. Hey ... he's good but no one is right all the time! Karl Rove is one of the most brilliant Republican strategist out there which I am sure bugs the dems. I'm just saying that when he speaks, I pay attention because he has crunched the data and done his homework.

  4. Karl Rove nailed it! And THAT is why I pay attention when he speaks.
