Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mackenzie: Biden selection may help McCain

Ross Mackenzie's latest column for suggests that Barack Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate may actually help John McCain.

Mr. Mackenzie, my all-time favorite newspaper guy who was editor of my hometown Richmond Times-Dispatch for years until his retirement in 2007, has been a John McCain supporter for a long time. In following the Joe Biden selection, he has made some spot-on observations:
Last year the National Journal, a moderately liberal enterprise, named Barack Obama the Senate’s No. 1 leftie senator, Ted Kennedy No. 2, and Biden No. 3. ...

... so much for Obama’s “change” and “outsider” mantras. Biden is the paradigmatic Washington insider — a practitioner of the same ol’ inside-the-Beltway same-ol’. What’s more, he exudes an engaging cluelessness. He comes right out of central casting as perhaps the worst possible national candidate for anything.
Ouch. Read the rest of his column for continued insight into Joe Biden. He closes with this:
It’s a head-shaker. Think about it. The Obama-Biden ticket consists of Tweedledum and Tweedledee Senate liberals straining to depict John McCain as but a clone of President Bush. That only can help McCain make the (winning) case that this campaign is not principally about George Bush — whose name of course will be absent from the November ballot — but Barack Obama.
Ross Mackenzie lives with his wife and Labrador retriever in the woods west of Richmond, Virginia. They have two grown sons, both Naval officers.

Cross-posted at

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