Friday, August 08, 2008

Saturday ... Goodlatte to campaign in SWAC area

Congressman Bob Goodlatte is making hay while the sun shines. While Congress is in recess, he's stumping throughout the 6th Congressional District that runs the length of the Shenandoah Valley, connecting and reconnecting with voters before he is called back to Washington. Once back in D.C., his campaigning opportunities will be mainly limited to weekends.

Saturday is SWAC day for the Goodlatte campaign ... spending all day in the Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County areas of the 6th District. A five-term incumbent, the Congressman takes nothing for granted in this race that has two challengers trying to unseat him.

Saturday begins with the SWAC-GOP Breakfast that is held each month at Rowe's Restaurant in Staunton. The 8 a.m. event will be a townhall chat with constituents. It will provide an opportunity to hear the Congressman's views on drilling off-shore (he submitted a bill last week to support it) and his up-to-the-minute details of the Republican "sit-in" going on in the U.S. Capitol, a protest by Republicans of the Democrats' refusal to vote on America's energy crisis before leaving on five weeks of vacation while gas is $4 a gallon. The breakfast, open to the public, is $6.50 per person with reservations available here.

After breakfast, Congressman Goodlatte will be stepping out into neighboring areas with volunteers who will accompany him door-to-door to talk to voters about what is on their minds.

Afternoon will find him heading to western Augusta County for the events in Craigsville and the 5:00 Deerfield parade, then he will end the day at the Augusta County Fair in Fishersville.

Photo by SWAC Girl

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