Thursday, August 14, 2008

SWAC entrepreneur sells message that Obama is wrong for VA & America

SWAC area businessman Mike Hodge has many interests. He is an ad salesman for print media. He is a conservative Republican who has been involved in many campaigns.

Hodge volunteered at the Staunton-Augusta County GOP headquarters during the 2004 Bush for President campaign and then went to Ohio for the final push leading up to election day. He has volunteered with the SWAC area Republicans, worked the Mitt Romney campaign during the 2007-08 primary season, and most recently helped man GOP booth at the Augusta County Fair last week.

Now he is putting his politics -- his support for GOP presidential candidate John McCain -- into a money-making adventure.

His website has hit the internet. The blog is dedicated to disseminating information to voters about Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama's lack of fitness to be President of the United States.

"My goal with the blog," Hodge said, "is to show how unfit Barack Obama is to be commander-in-chief. The more people start paying attention to the election and learning about Obama, the less likely they are to support him."

The website is updated on a regular basis and encourages dialogue through the comment section. NoBama bumper stickers are available and caps are on the way.

NObama bumper stickers, like the one above, are available for $1 each. Send orders to Mike Hodge, PO Box 31, Staunton, VA. 24402. Email for more information.

Check it out or contact Mike Hodge at

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    broken link to
