Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain Fairfax rally moved after complaints

John McCain's campaign moved a planned rally on Wednesday from Fairfax High School to nearby Van Dyke Park after complaints of the partisan event. As more and more people signed up for tickets, it became evident the field house at the school was too small anyway.

The Washington Post reported:
... some officials contend that hosting a campaign event on campus can give students a glimpse of the energy and mechanics of the political process and help teach civic engagement.

Dale said that was what he had in mind when he authorized the McCain event. In July, when summer school was not in session but some students were on campus, the county's Robinson Secondary School hosted a town hall meeting for Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.), now the Democratic presidential nominee. In February, Washington-Lee High School in Arlington County hosted a rally for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), then a presidential candidate, on an afternoon after school had ended, said Arlington schools spokesman Frank Bellavia. He said students were invited and given front-row seats.

Today, Obama will be greeted by teachers during school hours at Granby High School in Norfolk. The event is billed as a town hall meeting for select teachers and parents to discuss education reform. Although students are not included, the candidate will tour a classroom, said Michael Spencer, Norfolk schools chief operations officer.

Gibson said holding the McCain rally at Fairfax High would have violated board policy.

"We did not authorize the superintendent to waive a policy that says, 'School buildings and grounds may not be used for campaign activities during school hours,' " Gibson said. "The School Board can have a discussion about whether that is a good policy, but we have not had that discussion."

Dale said yesterday he was prepared to direct the McCain campaign to find a time for the event outside school hours. But the campaign had made other plans.

"I did not willfully break the policy," Dale said. "It may have been an unintended consequence of providing an opportunity for kids."

School Board Chairman Dan G. Storck (Mount Vernon) said the board will review the policy in coming months. He said he hopes schools can give students opportunities for hands-on, real-life experiences with campaigns but with clear instructional goals.

Diane Mortiere, second vice president of the Fairfax High School Parent Teacher Student Association, who supports McCain, said she was disappointed.

"It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students," she said, "a great educational experience that is going to be missed."
Moot point since over 20,000 could show up for the rally.

H/T to Barb

John McCain-Sarah Palin 2008

1 comment:

  1. This is yet again an opportunity where liberal Democrats from NOVA put center stage the double standard and hypocrisy that ripples through their agenda.
    Members of the School Board displayed no such "policy" issue during the Primary in terms of the Democrats.

    The funniest thing ever was Sully Democrats come out with this on the very day that Barack Obama is standing in Lebabnon High School having a a town hall meeting. Last I checked that high school was a public school as well.

    I guess the folks of SW Virginia have no problem with opening up our children to the process and hosting an event from either Party.

    Funny, those small toen values really do shine through don't they?
