Ron wrote a beautiful tribute to Ovadiah ben Avraham v'Simha who lived a long and full life ... My grandfather died today:
I got some sad news that my last living grandparent died today. He was 105 and lived in Jerusalem. My grandfather was born in Salonika, Greece, in 1903 and immigrated to what is now Israel in 1913. (At that time the area was still ruled by the Ottoman Empire.) He was a tailor by trade and mended clothes well into his old age. He was deeply religious and prayed daily, even as a centenarian.Ron continues his tribute over at Isophorone. He ends by asking that a prayer be said for his grandfather.
Here's a prayer for Ovadiah ben Avraham v'Simha ... and for Ron and his family as they now prepare to live life without him. May God bless.
Thank you so much for your kind comments.